
Hear what others are saying about TYRO


A TYRO is a latin word for an apprentice, novice, or someone learning something new. TYROs are men and women who have completed the TYRO program. These men and women are warriors who are determined to build a strong legacy for themselves and their family.

Once someone has completed the TYRO program, they begin the lifelong journey of becoming a person worth following. This program is designed to empower transformational change in the life of the learner. Scroll through some of the testimonials of how TYRO has positively-impacted their lives and empowered them to become effective leaders and transform their communities.


Hear some of the ways TYRO is transforming individuals, families and communities.


What people are saying about TYRO

Angela from Ohio

“This has helped me a lot to make positive choices. My whole life has changed completely!”

10th Grade Student TYRO Youth Participant

Christopher from Columbus

“Being a TYRO is a lifestyle, not just a title to claim. You don’t get nominated to be a TYRO, you earn it, if you live it. From that day forward, I look forward for opportunities to prove myself a TYRO.”

Christopher Bradford TYRO Completor

Hillary from Toledo

“The Couple Communication class was very fun and helpful. It has made me look at life different.”

Hillary Grove Couple Communication Program

Danny from Dayton

This program is amazing! I’m proud to be a part of something great. I am now the father that I’ve always wanted to be.

Danny Clark TYRO Dads Program


“I think it is a great program. And I actually think it is a great thing that you inspire these men to active a greatness in life. Thanks for your time, hard work and believing in others. I believe in you.”

Deanna Davis Wife of TYRO Participant
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